Dataset: Election Study 1975

Variable v41: Reasoning for vote fv75 1.ans.

Values Categories N
0 Good party, the best party 41
1 Tautological answer: want to support party 36
4 Undocumented code 2
10 Idealistic reasons 43
11 Party's ideas or what they stand for 145
12 Progressive party 2
13 Moderate party, stable 8
14 Socialist position 7
15 Bourgeois or liberal position 19
16 The best for the country, for society 10
19 Other ideological answer 20
20 Pursue sound policies 54
21 Economic policies 29
22 Tax policies 9
23 Expense policies 38
24 Social policies 6
25 Common market policies 8
26 Employment, long-term policies 35
29 Other specific policy mentioned 9
30 Governs/has governed well 37
31 New government 22
32 Government could have continued 16
33 Party governed better than “the others” 13
34 Trust in candidate, knew personally 57
35 Sympathy for bourgeois politicians 6
36 Antipathy for bourgeois politicians 0
37 Sympathy for social democratic politicians 7
38 Antipathy for social democratic politicians 5
39 Other concerning administrative abilities 14
40 Benefits us 29
41 Best for workers, I am a worker 62
42 Pensioners 13
43 Business owners 4
44 Farmers 19
45 Social class situation or living standard 13
46 German minority's party 3
47 Undocumented code 30
49 Other groups mentioned 0
50 Have always voted that way, habit, usually vote that way 85
51 Reference to environment 0
52 Grown up with it 5
53 Particularly working class home 1
54 Convinced by spouse 1
59 Other references to childhood 0
60 Other answers with specific content 22
62 Mix of above 83
77 Decline 30
88 Don't know 59
99 Unknown 443

Summary Statistics

Valid cases 1157
Missing cases 443
This variable is numeric


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