Dataset: Election Study 1975

Variable v42: Reasoning for vote fv75 2.ans.

Values Categories N
0 Good party, the best party 0
1 Tautological answer: want to support party 0
4 Undocumented code 0
10 Idealistic reasons 1
11 Party's ideas or what they stand for 16
12 Progressive party 0
13 Moderate party, stable 0
14 Socialist position 1
15 Bourgeois or liberal position 1
16 The best for the country, for society 2
19 Other ideological answer 2
20 Pursue sound policies 13
21 Economic policies 9
22 Tax policies 1
23 Expense policies 4
24 Social policies 2
25 Common market policies 11
26 Employment, long-term policies 7
29 Other specific policy mentioned 3
30 Governs/has governed well 4
31 New government 6
32 Government could have continued 1
33 Party governed better than “the others” 1
34 Trust in candidate, knew personally 32
35 Sympathy for bourgeois politicians 1
36 Antipathy for bourgeois politicians 3
37 Sympathy for social democratic politicians 4
38 Antipathy for social democratic politicians 3
39 Other concerning administrative abilities 8
40 Benefits us 2
41 Best for workers, I am a worker 3
42 Pensioners 3
43 Business owners 0
44 Farmers 0
45 Social class situation or living standard 12
46 German minority's party 0
47 Undocumented code 8
49 Other groups mentioned 0
50 Have always voted that way, habit, usually vote that way 14
51 Reference to environment 1
52 Grown up with it 0
53 Particularly working class home 0
54 Convinced by spouse 1
59 Other references to childhood 0
60 Other answers with specific content 1
62 Mix of above 6
77 Decline 0
88 Don't know 0
99 Unknown 1413

Summary Statistics

Valid cases 187
Missing cases 1413
This variable is numeric


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