Dataset: Election Study 1994

Variable v486: Geography

Values Categories N
1 The capital 196
2 The suburbs of the capital 231
3 Other municipality in the capital 69
4 Restgroup in the region around the capital 27
5 Municipality with over 100.000 citizen 314
6 Municipality with over 40.000-99.999 citizens 123
7 Municipality with 20.000-39.999 citizens 135
8 Municipality with 10.000-19.999 citizens 245
9 Municipality with at least 50 pct. of the citizen in urban a 230
10 Municipality with 33 pct. of the citizen in urban area housi 233
11 Municipality with under 33 pct. of the citizen in urban area 55
12 Municipality with under none of the citizen in urban area ho 163

Summary Statistics

Valid cases 2021
Missing cases 0
This variable is numeric


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