Dataset: Election Study 1994

Variable v402: Occupation

Values Categories N
1 Yes, employed, full-time 930
2 Yes, employed, part-time 117
3 Yes, self-employed 25
4 No, homemaker 27
5 No, student/in education 149
6 No, unemployed on leave 14
7 No, unemployed, other 141
8 No, on leave 56
9 No, serving military duty 2
10 No, disability retirement 104
11 No, early retirement 84
12 No, not in labor force 350
13 No, not in labor force 16
17 Don't know/unanswered 0
100 Irrelevant 0
99 6

Summary Statistics

Valid cases 2015
Missing cases 6
This variable is numeric


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